Monday, December 8, 2008

Green Jobs a Benefit?

Hussein Obama wants to create 5 million green collar jobs. If this sounds like a win win to you you should read about the broken window fallacy.

1 comment:

A&E said...

So if green jobs benefit the economy then Obama should also tax us at a higher rate which will cause us to work harder for the same amount of disposable income which will raise GDP. Then he can "redistribute" the collected taxes to provide government services (sorry for using those two words in the same sentence) which will also stimulate the economy and ultimately we will benefit from these services. Now, if they own part of the automakers then I would conclude I may receive a new car each year as maybe some sort of tax rebate or something. This will stimulate the economy even further. But with the governments hand in the auto industry we can rest assured that I will need a new car every year because of government oversight on quality assurance. Need I say it again. The economy is just going to explode. "Hell to the Chief" He's a genius.