Reading CNBC this morning is
depressing. First you have Cramer, who I always thought was at least kind of a capitalist. If you don't want to read the article hear are the cliff notes. The article is his plan for Obama.
1. Make Cramer the head of the SEC, Fed, and Treasury Secretary. Ummm...OK why?
2. Fix the auto industry AIG style, by buying large stakes in the company. I thought we already found out that communism was a bad idea.
3. Force oil companies to sell natural gas at their filling stations. Great another regulation because government is so much smarter than we are. Seriously, if natural gas vehicles are so much better and cheaper wouldn't we all have them converted already.
4. Stop deporting illegals. This one I agree with but not for the same reasons he cites. I see immigrants legal or not as another set of hands and another set of brains. He sees them as home buyers.
Seriously when has increased regulation ever benefited the market. The most depressing thing is that Cramer should know better.
And actual government ownership of large companies, they already have a 35% interest in profits errr get 35% in taxes. Why give them a stake in the equity. Well once again more than their 15% share of capital gains.